National Union of Journalists (NUJ) members could change the union for the better. But they won’t because the biggest complainers are either too lazy or prefer to complain than to fix what’s broken. Continue reading
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National Union of Journalists (NUJ) members could change the union for the better. But they won’t because the biggest complainers are either too lazy or prefer to complain than to fix what’s broken. Continue reading
An open letter from news aggregator website News Now boss Struan Bartlett (link opens new window) about threats to close down services that deep link to news stories.
This threatens the whole web way of working.
Mark Watts’ McCarthyite attack on Rich Simcox as a candidate for the National Union of Journalists’ (NUJ’s) editor was a strange and misguided mistake.
I woke in hospital from my knee operation on Tuesday to two items of bad news: Watt’s email and the fact that my knee was worse than expected, I had lost my cartilage and I had arthritis.
The knee will get better. I am not sure Watts will. Continue reading
Yesterday my business had £15,344.22 of invoices outstanding, of which £2,449.50 was over 30 days old. We had an overdraft of £911.31.
Today we have £9,525.22 of invoices outstanding of which £1,529.50 is overdue. And we have money in the bank.
Cardiff Travelodge is dirty, noisy, and unwelcoming like all Travelodges but also gives your room number written on the back of an envelope.
Getting up at 6am every weekday means I have to work hard to ensure I get enough sleep each week.