Watts happening

The happening is that Mark Watts is at it again, uncovering “scandals” about reds under the beds in the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) election for a new editor of the Journalist magazine.

The details (links open new windows)

All NUJ officials are full members of the NUJ and are as entitled to vote for, endorse or campaign for, any candidate in any election just as much as every other member of the NUJ.

Many candidates have NUJ officials backing them

Rich Simcox lists on his website (opens new window) Miles Barter, Chris Morley, Fiona Swarbrick, Jenny Lennox, Lawrence Shaw and Sue Harris.

Steve Usher’s original email to members listed Barry Fitzpatrick and Lena Calvert as supporters. Usher also has former deputy general secretary John Fray backing him.

Former general secretary John Foster, on the other hand, came out in support of Tim Arnold.

Frank Morgan is supported by Angie Austin and, although not a full-time official, Morgan has the backing of current NUJ president James Doherty.

What’s Watts whittering on about?

All these are perfectly legitimate and above board. What is Watts on about? How much investigative journalism does it take to get the inside track, rather than go down a blind alley?

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One Response to Watts happening

  1. Miles says:

    Thanks for writing about NUJ Left.
    As a result of all the publicity during the Journalist election campaign we have had hundreds of extra vistors to our website.
    So we have decided to hold a NUJ Left get-together on the evening of the election count.
    All NUJ members are invited to join us anytime from 5pm on Monday November 16 for a drink at the Bread and Roses, a pub owned by the trade union movement, on Clapham Manor Street, Clapham, London, SW4 6DZ.
    It’s just off Clapham High Street where there are loads of buses – and a short walk from Claphan North and Clapham Common tube and Clapham High Street train stations.
    It will be an entirely informal event in the bar. Please come and ask us about the NUJ Left, discuss the outcome of the Journalist editor election, the union, socialism, or anything else that takes your fancy.
    If you don’t know what any of us look like we’ll be wearing green on white NUJ lapel badges.

    If you are from outside London you might prepfer to attend the NUJ Left public meeting at 6pm on Thursday November 19 in the Southport Theatre and Convention Centre, Promenade, Southport, PR9 0DZ. All trade unionists welcome.

    If you would like to join the NUJ Left it costs a pound a month. You can pay for as long as you like. Just see one of us at the Bread and Roses or at the NUJ annual delegate meeting in Southport.

    Miles Barter
    NUJ Left

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